5 cm.
Saya Tidak Akan Pernah Berhenti…
The Story behind, the dreams beyond..
“Cuma kaki yang akan berjalan lebih jauh dari biasanya,tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak dari biasanya, mata yang akan menatap lebih lama dari biasanya, leher yang akan lebih sering melihat keatas, lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja ,hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras dari biasanya,serta mulut yang akan selalu berdoa”. <5 cm>
Sekitar satu atau dua tahun yang lalu, saya masih ingat waktu dan tempatnya sore menjelang malam di Gramedia Blok M. Saya melihat tumpukan buku-buku baru dengan berbagai komen-komen dan desain yang menarik. Sesuatu terlintas di depan kening saya dan diam di situ untuk satu atau dua tahun kemudian sesuatu yang tiba-tiba datang dan diam itu hanya sebuah kalimat pendek. “Suatu hari saya ingin melihat buku saya sendiri diantara tumpukan buku-buku baru itu”.
“Sesuatu” di depan kening itulah yang mengawali lahirnya buku pertama saya yang berjudul 5 cm.
Proses pembuatan 5 cm merupakan suatu proses yang panjang karena begitu banyak cemilan-cemilan pahit ataupun manis yang harus saya cicipi setiap hari,demi membangun sesuatu yang diam di depan kening saya-yang saya sendiripun tidak mau melepaskannya.
Mulai dari membaca berbagai buku melihat berbagai film yang harus saya cicil karena saya harus memberikan yang terbaik dari yang saya bisa untuk 5 cm. Dalam kurun waktu dua tahun ini lah baru pada dua bulan terakhir tepatnya akhir ramadhan tahun lalu saya akhirnya mencoba menulis sedikit demi sedikit.
Kalimat yang pertama yang saya tulis adalah
Everytime I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray…I’m waiting for that final moment you say the word that I can’t say…
Sebuah lirik lagu Bizarre Love Triangle dari New Order, salah satu grup band dari Inggris favorit saya. Saya sendiri pun tidak tahu kenapa saya ingin menuliskan lirik lagu itu tetapi akhirnya saya dapat inspirasi untuk selalu menuliskan lirik lagu yang bagus dan menarik dalam pembuatan 5 cm. Kenapa? Karena banyak sekali kita dapatkan lirik-lirik lagu yang mempunyai arti yang hampir sama dalamnya dengan sebuah puisi.Sampai sekarang saya tidak tahu kenapa saya tidak memasukkan lirik diatas dalam 5 cm.
Terus terang satu hal yang membuat saya terus bersemangat untuk menulis adalah sebuah film yang menurut saya sangat menakjubkan yaitu Filmnya Guys Van Sant “Finding Forrester” yang dibintangi oleh Sean conerry sebuah film tentang seorang penulis bernama William Forrester yang hanya menulis satu buku “The Avalon Landing”. Dari film itu saya mendapat suatu quote yang menarik yang kurang lebih berarti “Kalau kamu mau menulis.. kamu menulis.. kamu jangan berfikir tapi kamu menulis…” Setelah itu saya pun mulai menulis tanpa berfikir apa yang akan saya tulis. Saya biarkan saja tangan saya mengikuti apa yang otak saya perintahkan dan terus sampai akhirnya dua bab selesai hanya dalam waktu beberapa hari saja.
Dalam dua bab awal ini saya merasakan energi yang luar biasa untuk terus melanjutkan tulisan saya. Walaupun setiap hari saya harus tidur malam sekali karena banyak juga pekerjaan dari kantor yang harus saya selesaikan. Sebuah kebetulan juga mungkin, pada waktu-waktu ini pekerjaan yang harus saya hadapi dari kantor sedang tidak terlalu banyak dan saya pun hanya berstatus sebagai pekerja freelance sehingga banyak sekali waktu yang bisa saya gunakan untuk menulis. Pekerjaan saya sebagai seorang trainer/instructor di sebuah konsultan sumber daya manusia di Jakarta pun sangat membantu saya dalam mendapatkan berbagai ide-ide yang menarik tentang pengembangan diri. Pekerjaan saya yang menuntut saya harus banyak membaca buku-buku motivasional juga membuat saya lebih mudah untuk masuk kedalam dunia pengejaran mimpi, cita cita, dan keyakinan dalam 5cm.
Setiap hari apabila saya tidak pergi bertugas di kantor, saya menulis mulai dari bangun tidur jam 8 pagi sampai saya harus berhenti dan biasanya saat saya berhenti adalah sekitar tengah malam atau lebih. Jam tubuh saya jadi kacau. Besok paginya saya terus usahakan untuk bangun pagi dan berhenti sekitar tengah malam juga. Apabila saya harus pergi ke luar kota untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan kantor dan kadang kalau energi untuk menulis sedang kuat sekali saya terus menulis di laptop, atau di hotel saat senggang. Bisa dibilang 5 cm tidak hanya lahir dari komputer di kamar saya tapi juga dari beberapa training camp dan dan hotel hotel di luar kota Jakarta.
Saat saat terberat adalah saat memasuki bab-bab pertengahan, dimana saya banyak merasakan menemui jalan buntu dan tidak tahu harus kemana lagi. Disinilah titik balik yang sangat mengganggu pikiran saya sampai saya harus terus berfikir keras sekali untuk membawa cerita ke bagian yang terbaik, dan dengan kemampuan terbaik yang saya miliki.
Tetapi akhirnya saya bisa kembali ke energi saya setelah saya bisa menyatakan bahwa kebuntuan itu adalah sesuatu yang sangat biasa dan bukanlah sesuatu yang harus saya takuti. Saya bawa kebuntuan itu menjadi teman saya sehari hari akhirnya setiap hari saya bisa berteman dengan kebuntuan itu. Sehingga dengan seenaknya saya bisa menyuruh sesuatu bernama kebuntuan itu untuk pergi sebentar dari saya. Mungkin karena sudah begitu dekatnya saya dengan kebuntuan itu sehingga diapun kalau saya suruh pergi, dia nurut-nurut saja.
Beberapa kali untuk mengatasi kebuntuan ini sampai saya ganti nama folder 5cm dengan “Jangan Nyerah” ataupun “Ayo Don jangan nyerah..!!!”. Setiap kali saya lihat folder saya dengan kata kata itu walaupun terlihat mustahil saya terus tetapkan diri saya untuk tidak bisa menyerah. Bukan saya yang harus menyerah kepada kata menyerah.. Tetapi saya yang harus tahu kapan saya harus menyerah dan saya tahu saya harus tidak bisa menyerah… Saya harus punya buku.
Setiap kata dan kalimat saya mengalir begitu saja setiap hari dan begitu banyak ide ide serta jalinan cerita yang muncul setelah bab bab pertengahan yang menurut saya, saya pun tidak percaya kalau semuanya mengalir begitu saja dari tangan saya. Allhamdullilah saya diberi kekuatan oleh yang maha kuasa untuk selalu bisa memberikan yang terbaik setiap hari untuk penulisan buku saya ini.
Semenjak titik balik dalam bab pertengahan itulah, saya tanpa hambatan terus menulis sampai bab terakhir, sampai jalinan cerita yang saya bangun menjadi sesuatu yang saya tidak percaya kalau saya bisa membuatnya. Perjalanan dalam bab bab tengah sampai akhir penuh dengan berbagai kejadian kejadian dan kalimat kalimat yang saya sendiri tidak percaya saya bisa membuatnya. Allhamdullilah mudah mudahan saya tidak menjadi sombong karena semua ini.
Saat saat emosional yang membuat mata saya harus berkaca banyak sekali saya temukan dalam proses penulisan terutama dalam bab 5 “Don’t Stop Me Now” dan Bab 8 “A letter a heart to remember” pada saat menulis surat dari Deniek untuk Adrian sahabatnya yang harus meninggal di mahameru. Entah kenapa saya merasakan proses emosional yang luar biasa sekali, juga pada saat saya harus menuliskan arti dari 5 cm itu sendiri pada bab 9 “5 cm”, tidak tahu kenapa saya sering merinding. Mungkin karena saya orang yang sangat emosional.
Setelah sekitar kurang lebih dua bulan, 5 cm pun selesai dengan masih menyisakan energi yang berapi api untuk segera memberikan buku ini ke penerbit. Tapi kemana? Saya pun bingung sekali harus kemana karena saya sama sekali tidak punya kenalan atau koneksi dengan penerbit. Tujuan selanjutnya adalah telepon. Saya pun menghubungi 108, yang ada di otak saya waktu itu adalah adik saya punya buku Fira Basuki “Biru” yang di sampul depannya tercantum penerbit Grasindo. Saya pun bertanya ke operator untuk memberikan nomor telepon Grasindo, yang akhirnya saya dapatkan. Tetapi ternyata setelah saya telepon bukanlah nomor Grasindo tetapi nomor perusahaan lain yang namanya hampir sama. Saya bingung dan minta maaf kepada
perusahaan itu karena saya sudah terlalu semangat..
Saya lihat bukunya Fira Basuki kembali, terus saya lihat lihat dan ternyata.. ah gobloknya saya ternyata di balakang terlihat jelas di kiri bawah no telepon dari Grasindo beserta alamatnya. Saya pun langsung telepon Grasindo dan mendapatkan respon yang baik. Saya pun langsung menjanjikan kalau besoknya saya akan langsung pergi ke sana. Masih ada tantangan selanjutnya apakah Grasindo mau menerbitkan naskah saya?
Esoknya setelah menyerahkan naskah 5 cm dari Grasindo, saya pergi ke Gramedia Pondok Indah Mall, saya melihat banyak sekali buku buku melihat banyak sekali penerbit penerbit lain yang ada di Jakarta. Saya pun sedikit tanya tanya dan akhirnya seorang dari Agro Media memberikan kartu nama dengan nama satu penerbit yang namanya banyak sekali tertera “Gagas Media”. Saya langsung menelepon Gagas Media dan berpikir akan lebih aman kalau saya punya dua alternatif jadi kalau satu ditolak saya bisa mengandalkan yang satu lagi. Esoknya saya pun pergi Ke Gagas Media yang saat itu berdomisili di daerah Depok.
Dalam kurun waktu satu bulan lebih melalui hubungan telepon ke sana kesini akhirnya Grasindo memutuskan akan menerbitakan novel saya dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan. Akhirnya saya pun setuju dan menarik naskah saya di Gagas Media yang ternyata sudah hampir satu bulan tidak pernah disentuh. Saya pun maklum dengan keadaan ini karena ternyata benar benar banyak sekali naskah yang masuk ke Gagas Media dan naskah saya masuk belakangan. Jadi saya harus antri panjang. Ego saya yang berbicara disini karena maklum penulis baru pasti sangat ingin novelnya cepat cepat diterbitkan. Hari itu saya senang sekali karena mendapat persetujuan dari Grasindo. Setelah hampir dua bulan lebih jumpalitan kesana kemari akhirnya saya akan mempunyai sebuah buku
Waktu tiga bulan untuk editing dan segala persiapan penerbitan sebuah buku merupakan sebuah penantian yang panjang. Setiap ada waktu senggang saya selalu pegi ke toko buku untuk belajar melihat lihat dan observasi untuk menambah pengetahuan saya karena sampai sekarang pun saya percaya bahwa saya belum jadi apa-apa di dunia perbukuan saya masih anak bawang yang punya mimpi menjadi penulis. Melihat lihat buku, melihat lihat kavernya bertanya tanya tentang lika liku buku, dan percetakan. Saya terus belajar untuk terus tahu sampai hal sekecil kecilnya dari sebuah buku. Dalam hal ini saya berterima kasih atas kesabaran editor saya, Mas Bimo dari Grasindo sekaligus mohon maaf karena kalau saya datang ke Grasindo pasti jadinya lama sekali karena saya sadar, saya cerewet sekali.
Satu bulan terakhir sebelum terbit ada lagi tantangan yang harus saya hadapi karena mungkin saya orangnya sangat perfeksionis <saya membenci sifat ini, sekaligus Mensyukurinya>. Hampir satu bulan saya dengan teman baik saya yang membantu saya membuat kaver 5 cm harus “berantem” dengan ide ide untuk kaver yang terbaik yang bisa kita berikan untuk 5 cm. Setelah saya dan dia pun bingung. Mungkin kalau bukan karena persahabatan yang sudah terjalin sangat lama kita sudah berantem, karena kira kira hampir tujuh sampai sepuluh desain yang dia buat dengan kerja keras tidak ada yang cocok buat saya. Akhirnya… saya masih ingat momennya.. Dia meninggalkan saya di depan computer dengan kaver hitam polos dan tulisan 5 cm.. Saya masih ingat dia bilang “udah deh lo tulis disini… apa yang lo mau, semua yang lo mau buat 5 cm”.. Setelah itu dia pergi main playstation meninggalkan saya sendirian di depan komputernya. Saya pun mulai menulis dan saat menulis untuk kaver itu, saya merasakan kekuatan yang tidak saya bisa tahan untuk membuat mata saya berkaca-kaca. Semua yang saya tulis di kaver itu membuat saya menjadi sentimental. Allhamdullilah semuanya mewakili harapan harapan saya untuk 5 cm. Untuk ini saya sangat berterima kasih untuk Bayu, teman sekaligus sahabat terbaik saya yang telah mempunyai proses kreatif yang begitu hebat. Kita pun akhirnya menemui kata sepakat untuk kaver dan Allhamdullillah respon yang sangat baik saya dapatkan dari Grasindo dan dari para pembaca, banyak yang bilang kaver 5 cm sangat pas dan representative dari segi seni maupun marketing.
Setelah penantian yang cukup lama 5 cm pun lahir pada 21 Mei 2005, hari itu saya senang sekali bisa melihat buku saya di toko toko buku di Jakarta. Saya sering pergi ke toko buku untuk observasi dan mengamati siapa saja yang membeli buku atau sekedar melihat lihat saja. Satu hal yang sering saya bingung dan sesali kadang saya sedikit gemas kalau melihat ada 5 cm yang belum dibuka plastik nya untuk bisa dilihat lihat dalamnya, tetapi setelah Grasindo bilang memang seharusnya ada satu buku yang dibuka akhirnya saya memberanikan diri untuk membuka plastik 5 cm di setiap toko buku yang plastik 5 cm nya belum dibuka. Supaya pembaca bisa melihat ke dalamnya dan lebih tertarik. Sedikit bandel memang, tapi ini saya yakini sebagai salah satu bentuk dari usaha saya.Walaupun nanti resikonya bisa kena marah orang toko buku. Sekali lagi itu saya yakini sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha saya. Untuk toko buku yang plastik 5 cm nya pernah saya buka saya mohon maaf.
Saat pertama kali terbit frekuensi saya ke toko buku sering sekali sekedar untuk belajar, melihat, membuka plastik atau membeli buku, saya memang sering ke toko buku tapi saat ini frekuensi saya meningkat tajam. <Saat itu saya sadar kalo saya orang yang sangat norak, Penulis anak bawang baru punya buku>. Sesuatu yang agak mengejutkan juga terjadi saat saya melihat stok 5 cm di beberapa toko buku hanya dalam kurun waktu satu dua minggu pertama sudah mulai menipis. Saya terus bersyukur atas anugrah ini. Sampai akhirnya hanya dalam waktu kurang dari dua bulan 5 cm sudah mulai memasuki cetakan ke dua.
Banyak sekali pengalaman berharga yang tak tergantikan dalam proses kelahiran 5 cm satu satunya adalah saat tenaga waktu pikiran dan materi saya menipis untuk menulis hampir 16 jam setiap hari, bolak balik jumpalitan kesana kemari sekedar untuk belajar lebih banyak lagi. Pada saat itu saya sadar bahwa semua ini kecil sekali dibandingkan dengan apa yang Insya Allah bisa saya berikan ke orang lain dengan adanya 5 cm, sampai pada satu titik saya sadar bahwa semuanya tidak ada apa apanya dibandingkan dengan kalau saya bisa membuat orang lain bisa belajar banyak dari 5 cm, bisa tertawa karena 5cm, bisa melangkah lebih jauh dan punya 5 cm di dalam dirinya. Semuanya itu adalah impian saya sekarang kalau 5 cm bisa membuat orang lain dengan ijin yang maha kuasa menjadi orang yang lebih baik, menjadi orang yang bisa bernapas lebih lega, bisa keluar dari zona nyamannya untuk mencapai impian dan cita citanya. Saya rasa itu sudah merupakan kepuasan di dunia ini yang tak bisa tergantikan dengan apapun. Dengan ijin yang Maha Kuasa saya sangat berterima kasih kalo 5 cm bisa memberi manfaat bagi orang lain dengan cara apapun.
Sekitar satu atau dua tahun yang lalu, saya masih ingat waktu dan tempatnya sore menjelang malam di Gramedia Blok M .Saya melihat tumpukan buku buku baru dengan berbagai komen komen dan desain yang menarik. Sesuatu terlintas di depan kening saya dan di diam disitu untuk satu atau dua tahun kemudian sesuatu yang tiba tiba datang dan diam itu hanya sebuah kalimat pendek “Suatu hari saya ingin melihat buku saya sendiri diantara tumpukan buku buku baru itu”.
Saat 5 cm pertama kali terbit dua-tiga bulan yang lalu saya senang sekali melihat buku saya di Gramedia Pondok Indah Mall diantara barisan buku2 baru/New Arrival, saya melihat ke tumpukan di sebelahnya tumpukan buku buku best seller. Sesuatu terlintas di depan kening saya dan diam disitu, hanya sebuah kalimat pendek..
“Suatu hari saya ingin melihat buku saya sendiri diantara tumpukan buku buku best seller itu”
Dan sesuatu yang baru lagi di depan kening saya itulah yang sekarang sedang saya kejar ;dengan selau memberikan yang terbaik lagi semampu saya setiap hari. Sampai akhirnya sekarang 5 cm sudah berada di tumpukan buku buku best seller. Allhamdulillah, mudah mudahan ini tidak membuat saya sombong.
Dengan segala kerendahan hati dari seorang yang baru dan masih berjalan bertelanjang kaki dalam dunia tulis menulis saya menyimpulkan bahwa totalitas dalam segala hal demi mengejar mimpi dan cita cita adalah yang bisa membuat 5 cm lahir. Bahwa seperti ditulis dalam 5cm, kekuatan mimpi dan cita cita serta doa adalah segalanya bagi setiap usaha yang dilakukan setiap manusia.Selalu memberikan yang terbaik kepada kehidupan dengan apa yang terbaik yang kita miliki setiap hari, dan selalu punya impian dan cita cita di dalam hidup kita sebagai salah satu cerminan rasa syukur kita kepada yang Maha Kuasa…
Saya pernah menerima email dari seorang pembaca 5 cm bagaimana 5 cm telah mengubah hidupnya dan membuat dia lebih berani melangkah ke kedepan, dan bagaimana karena 5 cm dia merasa bahwa kita harus bersyukur atas segala nikmat yang telah diberikan, karena masih banyak orang kurang beruntung dari pada kita, atau juga beberapa orang teman yang telah bisa melangkah lebih mantap karena sekarang ada 5 cm di dalam dirinya. Juga dari beberapa teman di milis yang bilang bahwa dia semakin dekat dengan sahabatnya karena 5 cm. Bagi saya tidak ada hal yang bisa lebih membahagiakan saya di dunia dari pada semua hal diatas.
Bersama ini saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu kelahiran 5 cm, dan bagi semua pembaca yang telah meluangkan mata, waktu, dan hatinya untuk 5 cm.
Dan memang seperti saya tulis di 5 cm salah satu saat terindah bagi seorang manusia adalah ketika sebuah mimpi telah selesai dan menjadi kenyataan. Sekali lagi sebuah mimpi menjadi kenyataan dan 5 cm adalah salah satu mimpi itu. Walaupun saya sadari saya masih harus lebih banyak belajar… Saat ini, saya punya sebuah buku, sebuah karya cipta.
Sekarang mimpi saya telah selesai dan menjadi kenyataan… Saya berpikir kapan saya akan berhenti memberikan yang terbaik dari diri saya bagi 5 cm?
Setelah berpikir saya memutuskan… Saya tidak akan pernah berhenti dan tidak mau berhenti memberikan yang terbaik bagi 5 cm dan bagi apa saja yang saya lakukan di kehidupan ini setiap hari. Saya akan terus memberikan kehidupan yang terbaik dari diri dan saya tidak akan pernah berhenti…
Saya tidak akan pernah berhenti…
Semoga ALLAH SWT mengijinkan bagi seorang yang masih banyak sekali kekurangan dan masih harus belajar lebih banyak lagi ini ..Amin
“Cuma kaki yang akan berjalan lebih jauh dari biasanya, tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak dari biasanya, mata yang akan menatap lebih lama dari biasanya, leher yang akan lebih sering melihat keatas, lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja, hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras dari biasanya,serta mulut yang akan selalu berdoa”. (5 cm)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Short Story -- Dreams come true
There once was a lady who was looking for more in her life. Knowing there must be something out there, but wasn't sure where to turn. Delida was sad and blue, wondering what she could make of her life. What was her destiny?
One day Delida met someone who she felt an instant connection with. And at the time, she didn't know just how much Everett would change her life. It did not take long for this stranger to become her best friend. They spent many days and nights talking and laughing. And when one was feeling sad and crying, the other was there with a comfortable shoulder and loving arms. Ready to kiss away the tears and fill the other with laughter once again.
Months and years past by, but they remained best friends. Growing closer then anyone had ever imagined. Even though they still have separate lives and different friends, they enjoy each other's company above all else. Everett had changed her way of thinking, and Delida was so grateful he took the time to do so. For she can now see past the blinds and see the wonderful person he truly is. Everything she was ever taught, everything she ever imagined was wrong. Everett took the time to grow with her and show her the beauty of it all. Time to clear her vision and change her life.
Soon Delida began to have feelings for this man who had always been so sweet and so kind to her. She was afraid that if she told him her true feelings it would scare him away. That he would no longer enjoy their talks, the ones that lasted for hours on end. If she told Everett how much she really enjoyed his company and his laughter, would he begin treating her like a stranger?
For months, maybe even a couple of years, Delida hid the truth. Not only from the one she secretly admired, but also from the world. Or so she thought! Her friends had it figured out before she did, and they could tell she was in love. She was scared that before long, everyone would find out. Even the one she couldn't stop thinking about. Yet she still kept it all inside, except for talking with her friends who already knew. Longing to tell her love her true feelings and needing to know how he felt about her. So she remained quiet, waiting, deciding to tell Everett how she felt in her heart
There came a day when she received a letter from the one who held her heart. Delida had always looked forward to Everett's letters as they brightened up her day and her life. But something was different about this letter. Delida became nervous, almost afraid to open the envelope. She knew in her heart Everett would not say anything to hurt her but she decided to open and read the letter at a later time.
She went upon doing her daily activities never taking her mind off of that letter. Wondering, worrying, whether or not it could or would be a good bye note. Only a few hours past since receiving the letter, but Delida just couldn't stand the suspense any longer! She had to know one way or the other what Everett had written. Delida opened the envelope and slowly took out the folded letter. After turning it over a few times in her nervous and shaky hands, she unfolded it and began reading.
After reading the first few sentences she knew her instincts were right. This was not the average friendship letter she'd gotten from Everett in recent months. Delida was amazed at what her eyes were seeing. She started to cry happy tears. For in this letter Everett had confessed his true feelings towards her. Everett always had a way of being able to read Delida's thoughts and somehow know the questions she kept inside. A way of answering questions she was on the verge of asking.
In his letter Everett said he had feelings for her-STRONG feelings. That he never would do anything to hurt her in any way. But thought she should know that was why he wasn't acting quite like himself sometimes. Delida had cried because deep in her heart, she knew (or wanted to believe) this was true. That maybe Everett seemed to be different to her because he too was hiding how he truly felt.
It was like a fairy-tale romance. Had always seemed too good to be true. And finally at last they could be together. Delida knew after reading his letter exactly what she had to do. She needed to tell Everett how deep and how strong her feelings for him were too! If that changed things, then she certainly was ready. Delida couldn't hold it inside anymore, she had to tell him. No matter what happened after that.
So the next time they got together, Delida summoned the courage to look at Everett and tell him the truth. She had always been honest with Everett and able to talk about anything and everything. But when strong feelings and emotions are involved, it makes it a little more difficult. When she at last told Everett she wanted to be with him also, he jumped up and took her in his arms. Holding her, kissing her. At that moment it was like he was the happiest man on earth! They stood there in the embrace for a long, long time. Their fairy-tale became a reality. Delida had her Prince Charming and Everett had his Snow White!
One day Delida met someone who she felt an instant connection with. And at the time, she didn't know just how much Everett would change her life. It did not take long for this stranger to become her best friend. They spent many days and nights talking and laughing. And when one was feeling sad and crying, the other was there with a comfortable shoulder and loving arms. Ready to kiss away the tears and fill the other with laughter once again.
Months and years past by, but they remained best friends. Growing closer then anyone had ever imagined. Even though they still have separate lives and different friends, they enjoy each other's company above all else. Everett had changed her way of thinking, and Delida was so grateful he took the time to do so. For she can now see past the blinds and see the wonderful person he truly is. Everything she was ever taught, everything she ever imagined was wrong. Everett took the time to grow with her and show her the beauty of it all. Time to clear her vision and change her life.
Soon Delida began to have feelings for this man who had always been so sweet and so kind to her. She was afraid that if she told him her true feelings it would scare him away. That he would no longer enjoy their talks, the ones that lasted for hours on end. If she told Everett how much she really enjoyed his company and his laughter, would he begin treating her like a stranger?
For months, maybe even a couple of years, Delida hid the truth. Not only from the one she secretly admired, but also from the world. Or so she thought! Her friends had it figured out before she did, and they could tell she was in love. She was scared that before long, everyone would find out. Even the one she couldn't stop thinking about. Yet she still kept it all inside, except for talking with her friends who already knew. Longing to tell her love her true feelings and needing to know how he felt about her. So she remained quiet, waiting, deciding to tell Everett how she felt in her heart
There came a day when she received a letter from the one who held her heart. Delida had always looked forward to Everett's letters as they brightened up her day and her life. But something was different about this letter. Delida became nervous, almost afraid to open the envelope. She knew in her heart Everett would not say anything to hurt her but she decided to open and read the letter at a later time.
She went upon doing her daily activities never taking her mind off of that letter. Wondering, worrying, whether or not it could or would be a good bye note. Only a few hours past since receiving the letter, but Delida just couldn't stand the suspense any longer! She had to know one way or the other what Everett had written. Delida opened the envelope and slowly took out the folded letter. After turning it over a few times in her nervous and shaky hands, she unfolded it and began reading.
After reading the first few sentences she knew her instincts were right. This was not the average friendship letter she'd gotten from Everett in recent months. Delida was amazed at what her eyes were seeing. She started to cry happy tears. For in this letter Everett had confessed his true feelings towards her. Everett always had a way of being able to read Delida's thoughts and somehow know the questions she kept inside. A way of answering questions she was on the verge of asking.
In his letter Everett said he had feelings for her-STRONG feelings. That he never would do anything to hurt her in any way. But thought she should know that was why he wasn't acting quite like himself sometimes. Delida had cried because deep in her heart, she knew (or wanted to believe) this was true. That maybe Everett seemed to be different to her because he too was hiding how he truly felt.
It was like a fairy-tale romance. Had always seemed too good to be true. And finally at last they could be together. Delida knew after reading his letter exactly what she had to do. She needed to tell Everett how deep and how strong her feelings for him were too! If that changed things, then she certainly was ready. Delida couldn't hold it inside anymore, she had to tell him. No matter what happened after that.
So the next time they got together, Delida summoned the courage to look at Everett and tell him the truth. She had always been honest with Everett and able to talk about anything and everything. But when strong feelings and emotions are involved, it makes it a little more difficult. When she at last told Everett she wanted to be with him also, he jumped up and took her in his arms. Holding her, kissing her. At that moment it was like he was the happiest man on earth! They stood there in the embrace for a long, long time. Their fairy-tale became a reality. Delida had her Prince Charming and Everett had his Snow White!
22 Secrets to Discovering Your Dream and Living It
One of the most important rules of happiness in life is to do what you love. But discovering that dream job and what you are meant to do in life isn't always so easy.
Take a look at the happiest, most successful people on this planet: they are all doing something they love, creating something they believe in, living a life of purpose and passion. Do that, and it doesn't matter how much money you make.
But what do you do if you don't know what you want to do? If you don't know what your dream is? This is a common problem, and many people wander through much of their life without discovering their passion, and go from job to job, unfulfilled and miserable.
If that's you, don't give up. What follows is a list of suggestions that will help you discover your dream, and start on the road to living that dream. They're things that have worked for me and many others I've studied, talked to, interviewed and admired.
While you don't need to do every step below, they are all ways for your to spend time thinking about your passion in life, your dreams, and how to accomplish them. If you spend time thinking about your dreams, you are taking the first step towards making them a reality.
The first step is to give this stuff some thought.
Take a look at the happiest, most successful people on this planet: they are all doing something they love, creating something they believe in, living a life of purpose and passion. Do that, and it doesn't matter how much money you make.
But what do you do if you don't know what you want to do? If you don't know what your dream is? This is a common problem, and many people wander through much of their life without discovering their passion, and go from job to job, unfulfilled and miserable.
If that's you, don't give up. What follows is a list of suggestions that will help you discover your dream, and start on the road to living that dream. They're things that have worked for me and many others I've studied, talked to, interviewed and admired.
While you don't need to do every step below, they are all ways for your to spend time thinking about your passion in life, your dreams, and how to accomplish them. If you spend time thinking about your dreams, you are taking the first step towards making them a reality.
The first step is to give this stuff some thought.
- What are your hobbies? This doesn't just mean stamp collecting -- it means anything you do with your spare time. That could be collecting comic books, reading about history, programming Linux utilities, writing on your blog, writing poetry, cooking, whatever. As it's clear that this is how you like to spend your time, and that you're willing to do these things without pay, it's very possible that these are your passions. Give each of your hobbies some thought, and think about whether they're things you love to do, and that you'd love to do for a living.
- What are your talents? It's been said that we each have at least one gift we've been given, and that the true purpose of our lives is discovering that gift, and sharing it with the world. There is much truth in that statement, and an important part of this process is discovering your gift. What are you good at? What talents do you have? What have you shown an aptitude for in your current and previous jobs, in school, in your personal life? Anything goes here.
- Who do you like to work with? A dream job includes not only what you want to do, but who you are doing it with. You should truly enjoy working with these people. In this step, you can name specific people you love working with, or types of people (creative types, programmers, entrepreneurs, blue collar, etc.). Use your ideas here to help you envision your dream job (more on that below).
- What do you like to work with? The tools of the job are very important. If you love working with computers (even a specific type of computer), that's a clue to your dream job. If you love working with clay, or paper, or people, or clothes, that's a clue. If you like working with a hammer, or a piano, you're off to a great start in discovering your dream.
- What environment do you enjoy working in? An office, a college, a classroom, a construction site, the ocean, the forest? Where you work is also an important factor in your dream job.
- When have you been happiest? Think back throughout all the previous times of your life, from childhood through adolescence, school, different jobs, different areas, different hobbies. Think about the happiest times of your life, and what you were doing, who you were doing it with, and where you were doing it. You may have dismissed some of these things for various reasons, but remembering that you were extremely happy during those times can make you realize why you were happy.
- Try online tools. There are some great tools online for helping you find your purpose. Here are just a few of my favorites:
- 43 Things: A great way to see what goals others have, to list your own goals, to talk to others about common goals, to get ideas and inspiration. Also see their article, How to Choose Achievable Goals.
- Dreamminder. A site where you write down your dream, and it will send it to you at some point in the future. Use their dream wizard to discover your dream. Read the dreams of others to get inspired.
- One Question: Take a test with questions to figure out your one purpose in life. With articles to help as well.
- List your top 5 passions. Now that you've given various factors some thought, and tried some online tools, make a short list of your top 5 passions. If you don't have 5, list as many as you have. Then compare your top 5 passions, and rank them from top to bottom. This will be the starting point your guide to making your dream a reality.
- How can you turn your passions into your work? Of the top 2-3 passions on your short list, can any of them be turned into your life's work? What professions use those passions as a mainstay of their work? How would you get into those professions, and do you think you would love what you do if you did them?
- Create a clear vision. Clarity of vision is the key to achieving your dream once you've discovered it. Take some time to think about exactly what your dream is, what your dream job would be, how you see yourself doing it, where you are, what you're surrounded by, who you're working with, what tools you're using, the benefits to you and others. Write it down, and try to make it as clear as possible. You should be able to visualize this dream in your head. The more real it seems in your mind, the more likely it is that it will become reality.
- Create a roadmap. Once you've clearly pictured your destination, what's left is creating a map for getting to that destination. Try backwards planning: what's the last step you'd have to do before attaining your goal? What would the last step be before that step? Keep going backwards until you get to the first step. Then focus all your efforts on that first step.
- Brainstorm. Sometimes there are more than one road to get to a destination. Brainstorm a bunch of ideas for getting there, a bunch of actions you can take to move yourself closer to your destination. Then put them together into your roadmap. Even if you don't have a complete roadmap, having a clearly defined destination, and taking the first step, are enough to get you started.
- Do research. Learn as much as you can about your dream. Check out some books from the library, do some web surfing, talk to others who are knowledgeable. Become an expert on the topic.
- How are others doing it? Find others who are living your dream. Read about them, write to them, meet with them. Find out what steps they took to get there, what's required, how they did it. Then use that information for your roadmap.
- Practice, practice. While you're taking your steps to realizing your dream, practice your passion as much as possible. Practice, of course, makes perfect ... and you want to be as good at what you want to do as humanly possible. This isn't an easy step, but it's worth it.
- Get inspired. Find others who are trying to achieve the same dream, see what obstacles they've face and how they've overcome them. Put up photos from magazines to inspire you. Read motivational quotes. If you're inspired, you will have the energy needed to get there.
- Get motivated. Along those lines, find motivation to keep you on your path. Motivation and focus are the keys to achieving any goal. What are your motivations? Making a public commitment, setting up rewards, inspiring yourself, tracking your progress, and joining a support group or finding a partner are great ways to motivate yourself.
- Simplify: one purpose. Once you've defined your dream, focus on it completely. That means you need to put any other goals on the backburner for now, and have only one purpose in your life. Later, you can focus on other goals, but if you have multiple goals, you will become distracted and lose purpose. Focus. Simplify your life so that you are keeping your focus on that one thing.
- Use a mantra. A great way to keep yourself focused is to use Guy Kawasaki's idea of creating a mantra instead of a mission statement. Boil your goal down to a few words. Guys' mantra: empower entrepreneurs. What's yours? Once you've defined your mantra, print it out, post it up, and say it several times a day.
- Set aside time each day. You will not go anywhere if you don't devote time to your dream. Set aside an hour (or at least 30 minutes) each day for working towards your dream. If you can do more, great, but one step at a time is all it takes. Set aside time either in the morning, or in the evening, or some time when you know you will do it every day. Make it a habit, and you will succeed.
- Pretend you can't fail. Imagine that you cannot fail, that you may slip up and fall, but that you will get up and learn from that fall. Take away all fear of risk and loss, and believe in your success. Now act as if you cannot fail. And by acting so, you will make it happen.
- Live as you want to be remembered. How do you want to be remembered when you die? This is a common method for deciding how to live your life. If you want to remembered for realizing your dream, then don't start on it when it's too late. Start on it now. Live your life so that your dream actually comes true.
Soichiro Honda
Soichiro Honda was born in the village Komyo, Shizuoka, Japan on 17 November 1906 from the couple Gihei Honda, a blacksmith, and his wife Mika. Soichiro Honda was born the eldest of nine brothers. Living in a modest family and remote areas which lack facilities and medicines to make her life was not easy. But he has a very high dreams.
Since childhood, Soichiro Honda has shown his love of machinery and automotive. Before entering school, the little Honda has been helping his father repair agricultural equipment in the workshop of his father. He also could stand for hours just to observe the workings of rice milling.
In his school years, Honda is not a good achievement children. Ulangannya values ugly. He is also often absent. But actually he mamiliki talent in science class to learn about the machine. With easy, he can catch his teacher explanation.
8-year-old Keika, Honda desperate 10-mile bike ride so far only to see the aircraft. And he was so pleased when he saw a car passing in the village. At the age of 12 years, Honda managed to create a model bicycle with foot brakes.
At the age of 15 years, Honda moved to Tokyo to find work. He received the Hart Sokay Company, initially only worked as a cleaning service and concurrently his boss babysitter. Until finally the owner to find talent in the field of Honda engines.
He was nimble and genius in that engine trouble with his boss happy. 6 years he worked at the company. At the age of 21 years, his boss wants to open a branch in Hamamatsu, and Honda was chosen to lead the branch office.
In this branch office performance improved. He always refused to accept reparations that other garages. His work was quick and precise. Honda did not hesitate to work till late at night, without compromising creativity.
One fruit of creativity is the discovery of alloy with the metal fingers when he was 30 years old. In those days, the cars still use the wheel with wooden fingers. The radius of this wood, but not good at damping vibration, is also highly flammable. The discovery of this Honda became the first patent.
This discovery makes Honda wants to build their own business. He left the company where he worked in 1938 and decided to build a piston ring manufacturing business. Piston ring homemade honey Toyota rejected because kaulitasnya deemed ineligible.
Honda was a failure. Failure to make he fell ill. His friends lamented pengundutran himself from the company where she worked before. But Honda is not the name that sank in failure. 2 months later, he rose again to capitalize dream.
To find the solution of the piston ring, Honda went back to school. Each home school, soon to shop Honda untukmempraktekan newly acquired knowledge. Honda did not criticize the president rarely because it is considered too long-winded, emphasize theory rather than practice. After two years as a student, he was eventually released because rarely attended.
Eventually his hard work bear fruit. Piston Ring Toyota earned his creation, which immediately gives the contract. When his dream almost came true, his intention to build the factory was forced diurungkan. The Japanese government is ready for war, did not provide funds to the industries. He was desperate not raise capital from a group of people to set up factories. Again disaster coming. After World War II broke out, the factory had burned twice.
However, Honda is not discouraged. He was rushed to collect their employees. They were ordered to take the rest of benzene cans thrown away by the United States ship, used as a factory set up. Once again the factory destroyed by earthquakes. Finally Honda piston ring manufacturer sells to Toyota. After that, Honda tried several other businesses. Unfortunately it failed.
In 1947, after World War II, Japan experienced economic condition is very alarming. To the extent that Honda can not sell his car to buy food for his family.
In constriction, Honda does not run out of ideas. The idea is to install the engine on a bicycle by using the former machines of war, which became the embryo of today's bikes. This Ciptaanya get a good response from the community. 24 September 1948, Honda Motor Company stand with its first product, called "Dream" with Honda corporate slogan is "The Power of Dream"
Although successful motorcycle, Honda had hit financial problems and even threatened bankruptcy. He was an inventor and a great mechanic, but not good at managing finances. This is then to reconcile himself with Takeo Fujisawa was a very influential on the next Honda business continuity. At that time 42 year-old Honda and Fujisawa 38-year-old.
Duet two men managed to make Honda dream and desire to reach the world. Finally, as we know, Honda products are not only being number 1 in Japan but also in various parts of the world.
Soichiro Honda, the employee is known as a tough leader. However, his attitude softened as the drinking sake together. One thing that deserves praise from his Honda is the attitude of the anti-nepotism in determining positions in the company.
Throughout his life, Soichiro Honda was known as the man who is always youthful. Although he was growing older, but his spirit never diminished. On August 5, 1991, Honda died at the age of 84 years due to liver disease.
Honda said: "People see my success is only one percent. But, they did not see my 99% failure ". Message Honda: "When you experience failure, start to dream, dream mimpikanlah new and try to turn that dream into reality."
Soichiro Honda proves to us that people who come from poor, ndeso, minimal education and little capital can also be successful, even rule the world. When he failed - he got up, when he had trouble in his findings - he learned. Honda is successful solution dare to dream, to learn, work hard, and unyielding spirit. Let's learn from successful solutions Honda.
Every time feel like a failure and despair, remember the philosophy of Honda: "The Power of Dream". Dreams can become the fuel that drives us to achieve success. Dare to dream, do something to realize your dreams, and never give up.
Coverage of this article can MOTIVATING useful and we all, Despite Some people think it is like drinking MOTIVATION Energy; which only increases our spirit for a moment ... then the effect is lost ..... As a human being, is very natural that we have changed the condition of spirit - change. Sometimes up, sometimes recede. We need to do is to keep our motivation level. Same with food or energy drinks before, when our motivation down, we can turn it back to 'consume' the sources of motivation such as reading books or attending motivational seminars
Quotes and Sayings
Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.
A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.
Dreams are whispers from your soul.
Nothing happens unless first we dream.
Laskar Pelangi adalah sosok teladan, selama kita juga mau peduli dengan keadaan sekitar. Seperti pelangi yang hadir selepas hujan. Mulailah dari sekarang!!
Cerita terjadi di Desa Gantung, Kabupaten Gantung, Belitong Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mencapai siswa baru sejumlah 10 anak. Ketika itu baru 9 anak yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan, akan tetapi tepat ketika Pak Harfan, sang kepala sekolah, hendak berpidato menutup sekolah, Harun dan ibunya datang untuk mendaftarkan diri di sekolah kecil itu.
Mulai dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah!
Mereka, Laskar Pelangi – nama yang diberikan Bu Muslimah akan kesenangan mereka terhadap pelangi – pun sempat mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya pembalasan dendam Mahar yang selalu dipojokkan kawan-kawannya karena kesenangannya pada okultisme yang membuahkan kemenangan manis pada karnaval 17 Agustus, dan kejeniusan luar biasa Lintang yang menantang dan mengalahkan Drs. Zulfikar, guru sekolah kaya PN yang berijazah dan terkenal, dan memenangkan lomba cerdas cermat. Laskar Pelangi mengarungi hari-hari menyenangkan, tertawa dan menangis bersama. Kisah sepuluh kawanan ini berakhir dengan kematian ayah Lintang yang memaksa Einstein cilik itu putus sekolah dengan sangat mengharukan, dan dilanjutkan dengan kejadian 12 tahun kemudian di mana Ikal yang berjuang di luar pulau Belitong kembali ke kampungnya. Kisah indah ini diringkas dengan kocak dan mengharukan oleh Andrea Hirata, kita bahkan bisa merasakan semangat masa kecil anggota sepuluh Laskar Pelangi ini!
Cerita terjadi di Desa Gantung, Kabupaten Gantung, Belitong Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mencapai siswa baru sejumlah 10 anak. Ketika itu baru 9 anak yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan, akan tetapi tepat ketika Pak Harfan, sang kepala sekolah, hendak berpidato menutup sekolah, Harun dan ibunya datang untuk mendaftarkan diri di sekolah kecil itu.
Mulai dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah!
Mereka, Laskar Pelangi – nama yang diberikan Bu Muslimah akan kesenangan mereka terhadap pelangi – pun sempat mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya pembalasan dendam Mahar yang selalu dipojokkan kawan-kawannya karena kesenangannya pada okultisme yang membuahkan kemenangan manis pada karnaval 17 Agustus, dan kejeniusan luar biasa Lintang yang menantang dan mengalahkan Drs. Zulfikar, guru sekolah kaya PN yang berijazah dan terkenal, dan memenangkan lomba cerdas cermat. Laskar Pelangi mengarungi hari-hari menyenangkan, tertawa dan menangis bersama. Kisah sepuluh kawanan ini berakhir dengan kematian ayah Lintang yang memaksa Einstein cilik itu putus sekolah dengan sangat mengharukan, dan dilanjutkan dengan kejadian 12 tahun kemudian di mana Ikal yang berjuang di luar pulau Belitong kembali ke kampungnya. Kisah indah ini diringkas dengan kocak dan mengharukan oleh Andrea Hirata, kita bahkan bisa merasakan semangat masa kecil anggota sepuluh Laskar Pelangi ini!
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