Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Chase Your Dream?

People have different steps to make their dreams come true. One thing that everybody must remember is to work hard. These are suggested steps to chase your dream. 

1.     Identify your dream. What is it that keeps you up at night by whispering "What if..." inside you ear? Or, should you manage sleep, what recurring thing haunts you?
2.              Research the logistics. If your dream is to be a writer, research what it is successful writers do to accomplish their craft. If your dream is to be an air traffic controller or the mayor of Atlanta, identify the actual steps necessary to accomplish the goal.
3.              Make a plan. Write your plan down on paper and place it somewhere you will see it everyday.
4.              Follow through with your plan. This step is generally harder than it sounds. Dreaming is easy. Acting on your dream will require work.
5.              Be ready to work. You will have to do things. If your dream is to be a writer than you are going to have to sit down and write every day. If your dream is politics, you will need to become political.
6.              Sacrifice. It is a necessary step. Sometimes it will be time and sometimes you will have to choose not to go out with your buddies. Sacrifice takes discipline and require generous helpings.
7.              Prepare yourself not to be immediately rewarded. Flukes happen, but you can't count on them. What you can count is some manner of adversity and those who do not stand up to this adversity are the ones who fail to ultimately achieve their dream

But the most important thing to do is believe and live with it! don't ever let it go

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